Sunday, December 25, 2011

9th Month!

Feeling: Very good. Having some sleepless nights and pelvic pain, but that's to be expected.
Cravings: McDonald's burgers, ribs, chocolate, sticky toffee pudding, chocolate ice cream and chips. Basically everything that is unhealthy!
Aversions: Not too much at all.
Belly status: Growing like crazy. My hubby says he can see my belly coming around the corner before he can see me! lol
Any movement?: I swear I can feel every movement of a finger at this point! Not so many kicks, feels more like rolls and stretches now because I don't think there's much room left!

Photo is me at 37 weeks :)

Made it to Christmas!

I was so worried that I would have something crazy happen like my water break on Christmas Eve and no be able to spend it with my family, but I made it! I am so happy and we have had such a wonderful Christmas so far.

Yesterday we spent the day sledding and went to the house that goes all-out decorating for Christmas in the evening then came home and had some hot chocolate. We all had a good sleep, I'm amazed that Ceili slept until around 7am! This morning she was so excited to see that Santa had come and eaten his cookies, drank his root beer (she insisted that he wanted root beer!) and left us a ton of gifts! It made me so happy to see the joy on her face. I honestly could have received nothing for gifts and still would have been just as happy watch Ceili open gifts and have fun. Tonight we're going to Matt's sister's house to have dinner and open gifts and tomorrow we're going to my parent's house for the same with my brother and his family.

I figure if the baby can wait until after tomorrow, I will be happy! I just have a funny feeling that this baby will be coming early as I have had a few signs so far. I would like to make it to 40 weeks, but at the same time I really want to meet this little one!! I'm so anxious to find out if it is a boy or girl too!

I'm pretty happy that I have only gained around 15 lbs so far and have felt much better than I did near the end with our daughter. I think that has to do with the fact that I didn't gain as much weight. The only complaint I have had is my pelvis and lower back hurt, but the doctor says that's due to the baby's head resting on my pelvic bone right now because it hasn't engaged. I have my next appointment on Tuesday, so I will be looking forward to seeing how much I am dilated since I was 1cm last week!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

So Sleepy!

This is getting crazy. I am so tired and just can`t sleep properly! I go to bed at night and wake up a few hours later. Then I am awake until around 5am. When I wake up in the morning, I am so exhausted that I feel like a zombie!! I am hoping I snap out of this pretty quick as it`s now been 3 days and I feel like I'm running out of fuel.

In other news, I am getting things crossed off of my to-do list for before the baby comes! We have cleaned up our basement quite a bit so that my when my sister comes she has a place to sleep. We donated a bunch of stuff to the thrift store today and it's starting to look pretty good downstairs! I have also finished my birth plan (finally) and am working on packing my bag for the hospital today. Our home renos are complete as well. Things are coming together!

I also finished my Christmas shopping today, I know there's only a week left until Christmas. I think this was my slowest shopping year ever, but that might be because I'm 8 months pregnant. I'm excited for Christmas this year mostly because Ceili is so excited :) She is in awe of Santa and keeps looking at the gifts under the tree excitedly. Kids make Christmas magic! Next Wednesday night my best friend and her family are coming over to have dinner and exchange gifts for Christmas. I'm looking forward to that because her kids and Ceili get along so well and it's always a fun time.

Oh, I hear the little one up from her nap so I'd better run.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Go Time Soon?

I am starting to dream about having the baby almost every night now and my friends and family are starting to feel like maybe it's time soon. I am almost starting to wonder the same thing! The dreams I am having are so vivid.

The last one I had when I had a nap today kind of scared me though. I dreamed that I started having contractions and the pain was so, so bad. I am starting to remember that awful pain again and it's kind of making me afraid, but I have to keep thinking that I will be fine and get through it. I just remember that feeling like it would never end and the exhaustion. But who knows, maybe this time it will be easier!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

8 Months Pregnant

I know this is a little late, but better late than never, right?!

Feeling: Actually pretty good besides the bronchitis I had for a few weeks. Thankfully that's over!

Cravings: Roast beef, McDonald's burgers (sooo unhealthy!), milk, Yop and chocolate

Aversions: Just over-ripe bananas at the moment

Belly status: Getting huge! Well, it feels like it!

Any movement?: Baby's kicking up a storm. When I lay on my right side I can feel the baby's little hands moving around :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

4D Ultrasound!

I went for my 33 week ultrasound before we went away on our vacation and I forgot to post the pictures. I was lucky enough to get a couple of 4D pictures. Baby was hiding their face, so they're not great but it does show those cute, chubby little fingers and toes! I can't wait to meet this little one!!

Vacation and Doctor's Appointment Update

Finally, I have a chance to post an update! Our trip to Jasper was wonderful, the hotel was so beautiful and I got a pedicure, prenatal massage and some waxing done while we were there! The first day we were there, Matt ordered chocolate covered strawberries and alcohol-free champagne to our room which was such a surprise! I wish we could've stayed for a week! The swimming pool was so cool, it was a heated outdoor pool with a view of the mountains so we got to swim while giant snowflakes fell on us. It was so relaxing because we just hung around and spent some quality time as a couple which we really haven't done in a long time. I feel a whiole lot closer to Matt after that trip :) I have posted a pic of my by the big Christmas tree at Jasper Park Lodge (33 weeks)

Since our trip I have had the pleasure of getting bacterial bronchitis which is so terribly painful especially when my lungs are squished by a baby! I have been coughing up phlegm and I sound like there's gravel in my chest. Thankfully my OB heard me coughing yesterday and diagnosed me. Now I am on antibiotics and ventolin. I'm just glad I'll be better before Christmas! Our poor daughter is suffering with a really bad cold that includes a cough, but thankfully it's only a virus so she should be over it soon.

I saw my OB for my 34 week appointment yesterday and everything is good. Next appointment he will do the GBS test and give me my papers incase I go into labour...I can't believe it's getting so close already! I think we have finally agreed on some baby names as well, so that's another thing off my mind. We have chosen 3 girl and 3 boy names, so I think we should be able to agree!

I'm still feeling pretty tired, but it doesn't help that I'm sick and we've been so busy. Matt's also been working late and going to functions with vendors from his work lately, so that means I am looking after Ceili on my own some evenings which is tiring when she isn't behaving! At least when Christmas is done, we will be less busy unless baby arrives before then!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Oh So Tired!

Here I am once again, sleepless in the middle of the night. Tonight between my hubby's snoring (which I might note is getting worse) and my daughter being up twice screaming for no apparent reason, I can't sleep. I have earplugs that I can use and lately they aren't even working. I am hoping that once the baby is here I am tired enough to sleep, otherwise I may just go crazy.

Thankfully my husband and I are headed to the mountains in Jasper for a few days this week, so hopefully a change of scenery and the mountain air will help me get some good sleep in. I guess I must just be feeling sorry for myself, but I am an really unhappy person if I miss out on sleep. Overtired and pregnant is even worse because when I am tired and pregnant I feel physically ill and get terrible headaches.

Oh well, what can I do? I'm just going to stay wake a bit longer and try to make myself more tired so that I can sleep.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hubby Is Off Again :(

Well, once again my hubby Matt is going out of town for work. He is headed to San Antonio, Texas for 3 days and leaves tomorrow morning at 2:30am. I'm always so sad to see him leave, but at least this should be his last trip before the baby is born!

I have a ton of appointments this week. Monday is my chiropractor (yay, she's back from medical leave!!), Tuesday is my OB appointment, Wednesday Matt comes back home and I think it will be our relax day and Friday I have an ultrasound and Matt has a doctor's appointment. I'll be so glad when the week is over, haha.

Things are going pretty well still. My belly is getting so big that it hurts to bend over, so that makes it difficult to help Ceili get her shoes on and stuff like that. She is slowly learning that she needs to do things like that herself though. The baby has been kicking lots and getting the hiccups often which is pretty neat.

I found out this week that my long term disability was approved until the birth of the baby through my health insurance at work, so I am very relieved. The only awful part is that I will only be getting paid once per month, but there's nothing I can do about that. We just have to make sure to budget well.

Today we got our first snowfall of the fall. Ceili was very excited. After her dance class we went outside for a bit and she played in the snow. It was only a little snow, but she's already bugging to go sledding! Matt will have to take her when there's a bit more snow.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


I haven't updated much lately, I have been so busy taking care of our daughter and trying to make sure everything is ready for the baby.

I have been extra exhausted lately too. I guess my body must be working hard to grow this baby. I feel like I could never get enough sleep, even if I slept for a week straight! I have been trying to go to bed early and take naps when my daughter does to make sure I get the rest I need.

I still can't believe I have made it to almost 31 weeks!! I sometimes feel like I have never had a chance to enjoy this pregnancy. I have been so scared & worried so many times and so busy with Ceili that I haven't had time to just sit, rub my belly and enjoy the miracle of this little bean growing inside of me. I guess now is the time, I need to start taking the time to rest and enjoy.

I saw the doctor earlier this week. He said that the ultrasound looked good and the previa didn't show up. The baby is a healthy weight and is head down like the tech told me. I asked him about a vaginal birth and he said it shouldn't be a problem at all...that made me super happy! I am hoping to do it without drugs again because I'm scared to death of epidurals and I'm not a big fan of the whole idea of them. Now I start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks then every week starting in December, so I will be at that office alot. I am secretly hoping this baby arrives a couple of weeks early, but we'll see! I'm just so anxious to find out if it's a boy or girl and to make sure he/she is healthy :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

7 Months Pregnant

Feeling: Quite a bit better, other than the pelvic pain and sciatic pain.
Cravings: Chocolate, chips, greek yogurt, pineapple, peanut butter, chocolate milk, pizza and milk. I need my glass of milk every morning!
Aversions: It changes daily, one day I can love something and the next I will hate it!
Belly status: Growing for sure and when I lay down on my back I can see that baby has made its home on the left side of my belly. It's all lop-sided!
Any movement?: Lots of movement, can feel kicks up in my ribs and when I sleep the baby curls up in a ball.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

29 Week Ultrasound

I had my 29 week ultrasound yesterday. The tech didn't let me see alot, but she did show Matt and I the baby after she was done all of the measurements and gave us a couple of pictures. Ceili didn't seem too interested in the ultrasound, but I know it's hard to see through all of the black and white mess! She said the baby is around 3 1/2 lbs already and is head-down. This kid knows what it's doing I guess!! I was pretty sure he/she was head down because I have been feeling lots of kicks in my ribs and what felt like little hands moving around in my low abdomen.

I am anxious to see what the doctor is able to tell us when I see him next week since he normally reads the ultrasound report to me. I am hoping he doesn't plan to induce me early because of the size of the baby or something and because I just about failed my gestational diabetes test.

I have been feeling alot better lately. I have been able to do more with Ceili like walk to the park and take the bus places. I still have that little fear in the back of my mind that maybe I could bleed again, so I still don't overdo it. I don't think that fear will go away until after the baby is born though. This pregnancy has had such ups and downs, it has been so rough compared to my first pregnancy.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

28 Week Appointment

I saw the doctor yesterday and he said that I am improving which makes me happy. Our daughter came to the appointment with us and the medical student that saw me first let Ceili help him find the baby's heartbeat. She was pretty happy about that. It was 146bpm this time, so it's still good. The doctor finally filled out my long term disability forms too so I'm glad that stress is done...hopefully. They weighed me and I have gained 10 lbs since the beginning, so that's not bad at all. I'm just happy I haven't gained as much as my last pregnancy. That weight is hard to lose afterwards and I know winter will be worse!

Ceili is now done daycare, so she is home with me every day. She has been very good so far. She is listening well and we have been finding all kinds of fun things to do like crafts, baking, etc. I just have to remember to take it easy and rest once in a while.

Friday, October 7, 2011

One of Those Mornings!

Wow, what a day I am having! Our daughter woke up every couple of hours last night, so I was up with her 4 times. Then she was up for the day at 5am! She had no reason to wake up so many times, she just wasn't sleeping soundly. I am so exhausted.... and grouchy.

Then there was the usual toothbrushing fight that ended in 2 time-out's in her room and me bursting into tears right along with her! Probably the combination of lack of sleep and frustration just got to me.

We went to my parents house for a visit this morning and Ceili fell asleep on the way home in the car. I got her into her bed and she is still sleeping almost 2 hours after she initially fell asleep. When we got home, I was starving so I decided to make myself lunch. By the time I was done lunch I figured I only had about a half an hour to sleep so I decided to forgo the nap today. Guess I was wrong! Oh well, I will sleep well tonight.

All I can say is thank god my hubby will be home tomorrow night!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Still Movin' Along!

Well, my hubby's away for work once again. This time he's in sunny Orlando and I'm stuck here in the rainy, miserable weather! He left this morning at around 3:30am and of course I had a difficult time falling back asleep after he left, then our daughter fell out of bed and woke up crying. Finally I fell back asleep only to wake up an hour later to get Ceili off to daycare! Then there was the awful tantrum that began over brushing her teeth. Two time-out's later, she finally brushed her teeth and we were out the door....a half an hour late!

I did my 2nd gestational diabetes test this morning and am hoping it went well. I made sure I was hydrated and I didn't feel sick or anything after I drank the disgusting orange drink. I also ran to my doctor's office and dropped of my long term disability forms for him to fill out then did a little shopping for some Christmas gifts since the hubby's not home to see them. It was nice to be able to drive wherever I wanted today since I have the van. I am usually stuck at home with no vehicle! Tomorrow I have to go in to my work and drop off my doctor's note and chat with my boss for a bit.

I can now definitely feel the baby on the left side of my belly. I am wondering if he/she is already head down because I only feel the movement of the left side and am feeling more pressure on my bladder. I have a feeling that when my water breaks, this baby is going to come fast! I am so curious to know if it's a boy or girl now, I'm getting excited!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

24 Week Doctor's Appointment

I saw the doctor on Tuesday of this week. He said he is still concerned about my spotting, so he is keeping me off of work until the end of my pregnancy. I have finally come to terms with this and have decided that there is no reason to stress because there is someone at my work doing my job and I need to worry about me and the peanut right now! I am able to do a little more around the house now without an issue, the spotting seems to just happen spontaneously which is very strange.

He is also going to be sending me for ultrasounds every 3 weeks to make sure the baby is growing and developing well. I'm not overly worried because so far this baby has measured right on every time and he/she is kicking around like crazy! Baby's heart rate was 146 bpm this visit, so all is good.

We will be taking our daughter out of daycare starting in the middle of October since the daycare said they will work with us and only charge us part of the monthly fee next month because of the situation. I am very impressed with their cooperation.

6 Months Pregnant

Feeling: Better every week, still spotting on and off.
Cravings: Cereal, lemonade, chocolate, sushi, liverwurst sausage, tomato soup, cheeseburgers. Boy this list gets longer (and stranger) every month!
Aversions: Not too much this time.
Belly status: Growing bigger! Every so often I look down and go "wow, I really am pregnant!" haha.
Any movement?: Tons of movement lately, can tell my uterus has grown and moved up because I feel kicks near my belly button now. Ceili felt a kick this week (or says she did)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Missing my hubby

I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that I don't think my doctor will be allowing me back to work before the baby is born. I had spotting again last night and I know if I had anymore bleeding he said he was unsure whether or not he would allow me to go back. I think I am now okay with that though since I only have 2 months and a couple weeks before I was going to start maternity leave anyway. I see him next week, so we will see.

My hubby is in Toronto for work right now, just for 3 days so I am alone with our little one. She has been pretty good so far, just the usual 3 year old attitude sometimes. I'm so glad he's coming home tomorrow night though. I miss him already! I didn't sleep well last night without him home. Usually I sleep just fine (and gladly hog the bed!) when he's away but I just had an awful night last night. I kept waking up from bad dreams and sweating...yuck.

On the positive side, Matt felt the baby kick for the first time on Sunday morning. I was so happy he finally felt it!

Today my best friend and her two kids came over for a visit and brought some soup for lunch. It was great to see them again. She also brought me a few unisex baby things that are super cute! The cutest is a fleece snowsuit with little ears on the hood :)

Tomorrow I'm keeping Ceili home with me again because I'm taking her to get her outfit for her dance class. She starts baby ballet on September 24th. I think it will be really good for her. She told us she wants to be a ballerina so we put her in the class.

I guess I should be off to bed right away because I'm sure little miss will be up early tomorrow!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Getting Better...I hope!

I am starting to feel better every day. I am loving feeling "normal" and being able to do more. I have not had bleeding in a little over a week, so I am hoping I can go back to work even if it's only part-time.

Last weekend we went to a guy from my work's wedding. It was pretty good, our daughter had a blast running around and dancing at the dance, but her attitude the rest of the weekend stunk! She wants to be so independant, but can't quite yet because she's so young and still needs help with some things.

The baby is moving around like crazy lately, punching and kick my bladder and intestines seems to be his/her favorite thing to do! When I lay down in bed, I can now feel the baby's little back and bum and almost always know exactly where the little peanut is. It's such an amazing thing to feel and I'm cherishing it because I know that this will be our last little one.

I found out some unfortunate news on Wednesday from a girl at my work, the lady that trained me at my job when I started last August committed suicide. After she left my position she was offered a new position with the company and took it. A few months later she got let go, but was with the company for a few more months and left just a couple of months ago. That paired with the fact that her boyfriend and her just broke up must have caused her to be depressed. For the last while she was always crying at work. I don't think I will be able to go to her funeral because our van will be in the shop, plus I don't do well at funerals. I'm not sure why but I have issues with death. I know I will die someday and that doesn't bother me, but when other people do it bothers me. If it's family or to support family I have no problem going, but I don't deal well with funerals and I don't think stress is the best thing for me and baby right now.

This weekend Matt and I are going out for dinner for his birthday. His sister is going to babysit Ceili so we can have an adult night which will be nice. I miss having regular dates! We are also hoping to get away in the winter to the mountains for some us time before baby comes. It's just nice to have some bonding time before the chaos ensues!

In other good news, we almost have the baby's room cleaned out now. We have been working on cleaning up our basement and the baby's room for the past few weeks because it has been bugging me. We still have to finish the baseboards in our stairwell and bedroom and then we'll be much closer to done! I don't know why but I'm starting to stress about all of this, but I know we have around 4 months left so I need to calm down, lol.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I had a good day today. I went for lunch with a friend who just found out she's pregnant a few weeks ago. It was really nice, I realized how much I miss having some girl-talk about being pregnant! Since I couldn't be in prenatal aquafit this pregnancy, I really miss that time with other women gabbing about all of the good and bad points of pregnancy.

I came home and felt the urge to clean and organize, but I can't! I feel so frustrated and restless. All I want to do is get into that future-baby room and get everything organized and set up everything! It's taking all of my self control to stop myself becuase I know if I do too much I will be in trouble with Matt and my doctor!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

21 Weeks

I have now made it to 21 weeks...hooray!! I'm feeling pretty good, no bleeding in a week so that's good news. I can't believe I'm at the end of my 5th month already. Apparently the baby is about the length of a banana now and I feel lots of movement every day. Matt still hasn't felt a kick, so I am hoping he will be able to soon.

I'm starting to feel like this is actually real and everything will be okay, finally. I was still scared that something might happen but it's starting to go away now that I have gotten this far. I definitely know that this little peanut inside of me is a tough one and is determined to stay in there! I have been thinking more and more about if there's a little boy or girl in there and what he/she will look like and am getting more excited about snuggling this little baby :)

I took it somewhat easy this weekend, but did a little more than usual. We did some shopping and spent time outside since it was pretty hot out. Ceili was in an awful mood for most of the weekend, I think it was lack of sleep so I am hoping this week is better. Matt and I have been getting so frustrated with her tantrums and bad moods, but I notice that she goes through phases every few months.

Today I am taking it a bit easier because tomorrow a friend of mine is coming over to visit and the next day I will have Ceili home with me, so I will be fairly busy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Placenta Previa Gone!!

I am up with terrible heartburn and insomnia, so I thought I had better post an update for something to do!

I saw my OB today for my regular appointment and he confirmed the placenta previa was not there anymore and he was going to write me a note to keep me off of work for the rest of my pregnancy. I begged him not to, so now he's giving me until Sept 20th to see if I have anymore bleeding or problems. If not, I am allowed to go back to work. He said that the previa was either misdiagnosed or the ultrasound was done incorrectly.

The rest of the ultrasound looked good to him, cervix was long and closed and baby was measuring right on. The heartbeat was a good 153bpm again today so all is good with our little peanut. I have only gained 2.5 lbs so far which is good news because I don't want to gain too much, I have definitely gained a belly though! A 20 week picture of me is attached :)

I am so thankful to have a great doctor, I never feel rushed with him. He reads the ultrasound reports with me and we discuss them and he explains everything to us. He referred me to a lactation specialist before and after the baby is born so I can get this breastfeeding thing under control beforehand this time.

I have another ultrasound at 33 weeks to check on everything so I am hoping that all stays okay :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

5 Months Pregnant

Feeling: Better, just wishing the spontaneous bleeding would quit.
Cravings: Sushi, Arnold Palmer's (1/2 lemonade 1/2 iced tea), Timmie's breakfast sandwiches, steak, cereal
Aversions: Not much, I guess excessive grease still disgusts me.
Belly status: Still growing! Feels bigger some days more than others.
Any movement?: Lots of movement at night from about 10pm on, this baby will be a night owl! Matt felt a kick at 22 weeks :)

Hospital Stay

Well the bleeding came back as I had sort of expected. It started again on Sunday afternoon, so I went in to the hospital as the doctor had instructed me. They decided to keep me in overnight and did some blood tests and an ultrasound. The baby looked good in the ultrasound and was rolling around like crazy. I think the ultrasound also showed something great! I still have to talk to my doctor about it tomorrow, but the nurse said that my complete previa was totally gone! It's like a miracle! If that is infact the case, it sounds like I will be able to resume a normal life again until baby is born. That would make me very happy :) I don't necessarily look forward to going back to the stress of work again (but I'll have to suck it up!) but I do look forward to being able to go for walks with Matt and Ceili, wander the malls and not have to worry about overdoing it.

I guess I had better update on our vacation as well. It was awesome to be at the lake, our friends Sarah and Josh were so welcoming and we had a fantastic time. Ceili loved going for boat rides and playing in the sand on the beach was fun for her too. I found lots of time to rest and relax, even got a few of the best naps I've ever had in! Matt caught quite a few fish and I'm so glad he got to fish because I know it's one of his favorite things to do.

The picture I have included is my belly picture at 19 weeks, I am standing on the dock at the cabin. I can't believe I have made it to 20 weeks already!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy Ultrasound Day!

We went for our ultrasound today and baby is still happy & healthy!! Every time I see that little peanut moving around and kicking in my belly, I feel ecstatic. The ultrasound tech was wonderful and gave me 3 pictures, she even tried for a 3D, but the babe was covering his/her face :( I thought it was pretty hilarious because the baby's legs were folded right up and feet were right by his/her head!

The ultrasound tech also checked my previa, but wasn't able to tell me anything because she's not allowed. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the doctor has good news for me on the 24th.

I will try to post once more before we go away to the lake, but I'm not sure if I will have time.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Aches & Pains & Nightmares, oh my!

Well, I'm now going on 10 days with no bleeding, this is a good sign (I think)! These past few days I have had a real heavy feeling in my lower abdomen and it's so uncomfortable. I'm assuming it's the baby laying right on top of my bladder or something.

I have also been having a terrible time with nighmares. I'm not sure why, but it's like evry time I fall asleep I wake up crying after a terrible dream. Last night I dreamed that I went for our ultrasound and they told me that our baby had no arms and a deformed face and they would not allow us to continue the pregnancy. It sounds silly now, but it was really real and very upsetting when I woke up. I think it's just because of my constant worry about the baby because of all of the problems I have encountered.

I am looking forward to our ultrasound this Friday and hoping all is as it should be. That will help me to stop worrying about it. All I want is for this little life inside of me to be healthy and make it to full term.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

18 Weeks!

I just noticed that haven't written for quite a few days, so I thought I'd better write. I can't believe that tomorrow I will have made it to 18 weeks! I keep setting myself little goals, my current goal is to make it to 20 weeks..the half way mark. Then I think my next goal will be 28 weeks because then I will know that the baby can easily survive (with help) if something happened and he/she was born early.

I have been doing much better lately, no bleeding for 7 days now and I have been doing a little more walking, etc these past few days. I managed a walk to the park with my hubby and daughter the other day and it was so nice! I am hoping that my ultrasound on Friday shows that things are moving the right way. I'm anxious to get back to work and start getting baby stuff ready! I want to put the crib together in the next few months and start going through clothes, etc.

We are getting ready to go to my best friend's cabin at the lake in Saskatchewan. We leave next Sunday and are going to meet her, her boyfriend and kids out there. I'm really excited to get away and do some relaxing elsewhere! I'm hoping we have nice weather for our week there.

I have been keeping busy with my scrapbooking. I finished our famiy scrapbook and now I'm going to be starting my pregnancy scrapbook. I'm sure once I get back to work I won't have much time for scrapbooking, but I will need to make an effort so that I have a finished scrapbook for this baby too.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Feeling a little better

I ha an excellent long weekend! Now I am sad that Matt and Ceili are back at work and daycare! We didn't do a whole lot, but it was so nice to spend time with them and Ceili was in a pretty good mood. She picked up her toys when we asked and the potty training went perfectly for the past 2 days (that's a huge deal to me!). I got out and went to a few stores, bought a new shelf for Ceili's bedroom and did some grocery shopping, all with help from Matt. We also went for a delicious meal at our favorite diner and then for gelato afterwards, yum!!

The bleeding has stopped again, I'm on day two of it being done so I am hoping this lasts. Ever since I had my couple of larger episodes of bleeding, I am paranoid. Every time I go to the washroom I am constantly checking the toilet paper and I am always worried it will happen again. I guess that's just part of placenta previa though. I am crossing my fingers that it is getting better though.

On another note, my pregnancy brain is at it again. I totally forgot my parent's anniversary on Saturday. I feel terrible and I think my mom may be mad at me! Since being on bed rest, I have totally lost track of the date and the day of the week for the most part.

I am starting to feel more and more like the baby might be a boy. I don't know if it's my hubby and daughter's influence or what! I am really hoping it's a boy, it would be so neat to see what a little boy made by us would look like and the differences between boy a girl. It would also be a great balance for our family. If not, I will be fine with it too because I know Ceili will love a baby sister to bond with and baby girls are so fun to dress up!

I think my plan for the day is going to be doing some scrapbooking and a few small things around the house since I am feeling okay today.

The photo in this post is my 17 week belly picture :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

4 Months Pregnant

I am going to try to update with a little survery every month from now on, whetther I'm on bed rest or not.

Feeling: Good, despite the bed rest! Wish I could get out and do more.
Cravings: Green olives, sushi (like mad!), sandwiches(with lots of veggies), pineapple and tomato soup
Aversions: Super greasy food..blah!
Belly status: Getting bigger, started right under my bra line and is getting hard closer to my ribs than with Ceili.
Any movement?: I just started feeling tiny kicks and punches, but not regularly.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I am Lucky

Yesterday I kept my daughter home as usual. I invited my best friend and her kids over for a visit. She said they would bring lunch, but I didn't expect any more than that. She arrived at our door with a bunch of beautiful flowers, scratch tickets and magazines to keep me busy, a huge tray of fresh fruit, sushi and chips and dip.

If I have learned anything from being on bed rest, it is that I am very lucky. I have such wonderful people in my life; from my husband who has been doing just about everything around the house, to my supportive parents to, our beautiful daughter who is only 3 but is learning to understand that Mommy can't always help her when she needs it, to my friends who have been checking up on me, visiting and offering to bring me anything I desire! I am so grateful <3

Other good news, the bleeding has almost stopped once again so I am hoping it stops for the long weekend. It would be nice to go to the spray park or something if it's warm enough.

My dad was nice enough to bring me a corn dog and mini donuts from the fair yesterday. It's usually our tradition to go together, but I had to miss it this year with all of my issues. I know the walking would have been way too much. I'm looking forward to next year when we can take Ceili and the new baby!

Monday, July 25, 2011


My weekend was very uneventful. We just hung out and let Ceili play in the backyard since it was nice and warm.

On Friday night I started to feel the baby move which is exciting for me! It's not regular movement I feel yet, but I do feel the little kicks and punches every so often. It's so wonderful and helps me to know that our little peanut is doing okay in there :)

I also started to have a few cramps in my abdomen yesterday, feels like muscles stretching and have had a bit of spotting along with it. My uterus must be growing, I have heard that when the uterus grows, it is most likely to cause bleeding because the placenta is stretching so that must be what's happening. Thankfully it hasn't been alot of bleeding, so I'm just taking it easy today.

The dreams I have been having are just awful these past few days. Last night I dreamed that Matt told me he is no longer interested in me because I am pregnant. I was so upset in my dream and when I woke up I was crying. The fact that I am on pelvic rest may be part of why I had this particular bad dream.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Feeling like a Hermit!

I just realised today that I have not been out of the house and yard since last Friday! Thankfully my dad called and invited me for sushi for lunch. I feel much better after having gone out for a bit! Plus, I got to eat some delicious raw- fish free sushi which I have been craving for weeks :)

This morning after Matt and Ceili left the house, I was feeling sorry for myself. I was so sad that I can't go to the fair, Taste of Edmonton, or the parade for the fair this year. The fair is one of the special things my dad and I have always done together and we have now added my daughter into that tradition. Last year I took Ceili to the parade and she absolutely loved it. The summer is my favorite season because of all of the festivals and things to do outside and I can barely do any of it this year. Oh well, I just have to think of our baby's and my health. I'll try to focus on next year when I'm sure we can take the two kids to all of the fun festivals!

I got some more scrapbooking done after lunch and am almost caught up! I think that's pretty amazing considering I had just barely finished Christmas when I started this bed rest thing last week.

A couple of days ago I made my appointment for my next ultrasound. I am truly hoping that there has been some change in the placement of my placenta. I'm hoping it has moved up at least a bit. I can't wait to see our little one again too, I'm always concerned about him/her. I wish I could feel regular movement so I know he/she is okay in there.

I check my work e-mail once in a while and noticed an e-mail that was sent out a few days ago. It sounds like they have someone to fill my position at work for the 2 months that I am gone. That makes me very happy because now I know that there will be someone at least trying to get some of my work done which means I (hopefully) won't come back to 2 months of paperwork to do!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Busy Day

I had my daughter home from daycare today because I had planned to have my best friend and her 2 kids (3 year old boy and 6 month old girl) over for a visit. Unfortunately, their household was struck with a terrible flu, so she cancelled. So, Ceili and I spent most of the morning outside then had lunch and a nap. She actually allowed me to have an almost two hour nap because she just stayed in her room when she woke up...whenever that was.

I was happy to spend the day with my little girl. Her huge imagination makes me smile and some of the crazy things she does make me laugh harder than anything! Today when I was laying on the couch, she got two pretend slices of pizza and put them on my boobies. She said I had "pizza boobies" lol.

On another note, the bleeding is still stopped and boy does my belly feel HUGE today! That makes me happy though because I know that little peanut must be growing & thriving in there!

I had a great day, but boy am I exhausted! Tomorrow I am looking forward to spending the day alone, resting and maybe doing some scrapbooking since my sweet hubby brought all of my scrapbooking stuff into our room for me :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bored to death!

Well, the bleeding has almost stopped (yay!) Let's hope the bloodclot sticks this time and doesn't start up again for quite a while!

I got up with my hubby and daughter this morning at 6:30am to help get her ready & fed before daycare then I had some toast, my prenatal vitamin and went back to bed. I slept until 10:30am! I'm sure all of the moms out there know exactly why I'm surprised, I haven't slept that late in years lol. I have been so exhausted lately, I guess it could be the combination of blood loss and being so lazy.

I am now laying here in bed watching TV and being bored. There was a huge thunderstorm this morning, the sky was orangey- yellow when I looked out! Now it looks just lovely out, it's supposed to be +25 celcius today so it will be a nice one. I'm thinking about hanging out outside in the sunshine for a bit this afternoon. I might as well work on correcting my awful farmer's tan while I'm stuck at home!

I am craving all sorts of things today, I'm sure it doesn't help that I'm watching the Food Network. I want everything from greek salad to slurpees!

I think tonight I will get my hubby to bring my scrapbooking supplies upstairs so maybe I can catch up on my scrapbooking this week. I still haven't finished our Christmas page!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bed Rest Day 3

I have started this blog to keep myself busy while I am on bed rest. My doctor has put me on bed rest because I am almost 15 weeks pregnant and am having complications. I have Placenta Previa and it sucks! This blog may be a little graphic, so I am warning you now if you`re easily disturbed by `lady problems`!

I have had 2 episodes of spotting, at 7-8 weeks pregnant and again at 13-14 weeks pregnant as well as two separate large hemorrhages at 14 1/2 weeks. The first happened near the end of the day at work and sent me to the ER...completely terrified. My heart rate was 115bpm because I was sure I was losing our baby since we suffered a loss in January of this year. Thankfully, we found out the next day on an ultrasound that our little bean sprout was fine (he/she even waved at me in the ultrasound!) But I also found out about my placenta previa. They couldn't exactly tell if it was complete (covering my cervix completely) or marginal (covering some of my cervix) but when I saw my doctor, he put me on bed rest right away. I have been reading online and I most likely have placenta previa because of the D & C I had in January after my incomplete miscarriage. Little did I know that would affect my next pregnancy.

I was disappointed about being put on bed rest because I had thought that he would tell me to rest a couple of days and send me in to work again and my boss was very disappointed because there is no back-up for my position at my job. I am already going crazy because I am unable to do most things around the house and my poor husband has to do everything! It's especially hard for him because we have a 3 year old daughter to look after as well. I like to be busy and laying in bed is the last thing I wanted to do.

I will be keeping this blog up to date every day or so since I have nothing better to do! I thought it may be good for other women who will in the future go through this horrible issue in their pregnancies because I know it helps me to read the stories of other women who were in my shoes.