Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Vacation and Doctor's Appointment Update

Finally, I have a chance to post an update! Our trip to Jasper was wonderful, the hotel was so beautiful and I got a pedicure, prenatal massage and some waxing done while we were there! The first day we were there, Matt ordered chocolate covered strawberries and alcohol-free champagne to our room which was such a surprise! I wish we could've stayed for a week! The swimming pool was so cool, it was a heated outdoor pool with a view of the mountains so we got to swim while giant snowflakes fell on us. It was so relaxing because we just hung around and spent some quality time as a couple which we really haven't done in a long time. I feel a whiole lot closer to Matt after that trip :) I have posted a pic of my by the big Christmas tree at Jasper Park Lodge (33 weeks)

Since our trip I have had the pleasure of getting bacterial bronchitis which is so terribly painful especially when my lungs are squished by a baby! I have been coughing up phlegm and I sound like there's gravel in my chest. Thankfully my OB heard me coughing yesterday and diagnosed me. Now I am on antibiotics and ventolin. I'm just glad I'll be better before Christmas! Our poor daughter is suffering with a really bad cold that includes a cough, but thankfully it's only a virus so she should be over it soon.

I saw my OB for my 34 week appointment yesterday and everything is good. Next appointment he will do the GBS test and give me my papers incase I go into labour...I can't believe it's getting so close already! I think we have finally agreed on some baby names as well, so that's another thing off my mind. We have chosen 3 girl and 3 boy names, so I think we should be able to agree!

I'm still feeling pretty tired, but it doesn't help that I'm sick and we've been so busy. Matt's also been working late and going to functions with vendors from his work lately, so that means I am looking after Ceili on my own some evenings which is tiring when she isn't behaving! At least when Christmas is done, we will be less busy unless baby arrives before then!

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