I have started this blog to keep myself busy while I am on bed rest. My doctor has put me on bed rest because I am almost 15 weeks pregnant and am having complications. I have Placenta Previa and it sucks! This blog may be a little graphic, so I am warning you now if you`re easily disturbed by `lady problems`!
I have had 2 episodes of spotting, at 7-8 weeks pregnant and again at 13-14 weeks pregnant as well as two separate large hemorrhages at 14 1/2 weeks. The first happened near the end of the day at work and sent me to the ER...completely terrified. My heart rate was 115bpm because I was sure I was losing our baby since we suffered a loss in January of this year. Thankfully, we found out the next day on an ultrasound that our little bean sprout was fine (he/she even waved at me in the ultrasound!) But I also found out about my placenta previa. They couldn't exactly tell if it was complete (covering my cervix completely) or marginal (covering some of my cervix) but when I saw my doctor, he put me on bed rest right away. I have been reading online and I most likely have placenta previa because of the D & C I had in January after my incomplete miscarriage. Little did I know that would affect my next pregnancy.
I was disappointed about being put on bed rest because I had thought that he would tell me to rest a couple of days and send me in to work again and my boss was very disappointed because there is no back-up for my position at my job. I am already going crazy because I am unable to do most things around the house and my poor husband has to do everything! It's especially hard for him because we have a 3 year old daughter to look after as well. I like to be busy and laying in bed is the last thing I wanted to do.
I will be keeping this blog up to date every day or so since I have nothing better to do! I thought it may be good for other women who will in the future go through this horrible issue in their pregnancies because I know it helps me to read the stories of other women who were in my shoes.
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