Well, my hubby's away for work once again. This time he's in sunny Orlando and I'm stuck here in the rainy, miserable weather! He left this morning at around 3:30am and of course I had a difficult time falling back asleep after he left, then our daughter fell out of bed and woke up crying. Finally I fell back asleep only to wake up an hour later to get Ceili off to daycare! Then there was the awful tantrum that began over brushing her teeth. Two time-out's later, she finally brushed her teeth and we were out the door....a half an hour late!
I did my 2nd gestational diabetes test this morning and am hoping it went well. I made sure I was hydrated and I didn't feel sick or anything after I drank the disgusting orange drink. I also ran to my doctor's office and dropped of my long term disability forms for him to fill out then did a little shopping for some Christmas gifts since the hubby's not home to see them. It was nice to be able to drive wherever I wanted today since I have the van. I am usually stuck at home with no vehicle! Tomorrow I have to go in to my work and drop off my doctor's note and chat with my boss for a bit.
I can now definitely feel the baby on the left side of my belly. I am wondering if he/she is already head down because I only feel the movement of the left side and am feeling more pressure on my bladder. I have a feeling that when my water breaks, this baby is going to come fast! I am so curious to know if it's a boy or girl now, I'm getting excited!
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