Friday, July 29, 2011

4 Months Pregnant

I am going to try to update with a little survery every month from now on, whetther I'm on bed rest or not.

Feeling: Good, despite the bed rest! Wish I could get out and do more.
Cravings: Green olives, sushi (like mad!), sandwiches(with lots of veggies), pineapple and tomato soup
Aversions: Super greasy food..blah!
Belly status: Getting bigger, started right under my bra line and is getting hard closer to my ribs than with Ceili.
Any movement?: I just started feeling tiny kicks and punches, but not regularly.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I am Lucky

Yesterday I kept my daughter home as usual. I invited my best friend and her kids over for a visit. She said they would bring lunch, but I didn't expect any more than that. She arrived at our door with a bunch of beautiful flowers, scratch tickets and magazines to keep me busy, a huge tray of fresh fruit, sushi and chips and dip.

If I have learned anything from being on bed rest, it is that I am very lucky. I have such wonderful people in my life; from my husband who has been doing just about everything around the house, to my supportive parents to, our beautiful daughter who is only 3 but is learning to understand that Mommy can't always help her when she needs it, to my friends who have been checking up on me, visiting and offering to bring me anything I desire! I am so grateful <3

Other good news, the bleeding has almost stopped once again so I am hoping it stops for the long weekend. It would be nice to go to the spray park or something if it's warm enough.

My dad was nice enough to bring me a corn dog and mini donuts from the fair yesterday. It's usually our tradition to go together, but I had to miss it this year with all of my issues. I know the walking would have been way too much. I'm looking forward to next year when we can take Ceili and the new baby!

Monday, July 25, 2011


My weekend was very uneventful. We just hung out and let Ceili play in the backyard since it was nice and warm.

On Friday night I started to feel the baby move which is exciting for me! It's not regular movement I feel yet, but I do feel the little kicks and punches every so often. It's so wonderful and helps me to know that our little peanut is doing okay in there :)

I also started to have a few cramps in my abdomen yesterday, feels like muscles stretching and have had a bit of spotting along with it. My uterus must be growing, I have heard that when the uterus grows, it is most likely to cause bleeding because the placenta is stretching so that must be what's happening. Thankfully it hasn't been alot of bleeding, so I'm just taking it easy today.

The dreams I have been having are just awful these past few days. Last night I dreamed that Matt told me he is no longer interested in me because I am pregnant. I was so upset in my dream and when I woke up I was crying. The fact that I am on pelvic rest may be part of why I had this particular bad dream.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Feeling like a Hermit!

I just realised today that I have not been out of the house and yard since last Friday! Thankfully my dad called and invited me for sushi for lunch. I feel much better after having gone out for a bit! Plus, I got to eat some delicious raw- fish free sushi which I have been craving for weeks :)

This morning after Matt and Ceili left the house, I was feeling sorry for myself. I was so sad that I can't go to the fair, Taste of Edmonton, or the parade for the fair this year. The fair is one of the special things my dad and I have always done together and we have now added my daughter into that tradition. Last year I took Ceili to the parade and she absolutely loved it. The summer is my favorite season because of all of the festivals and things to do outside and I can barely do any of it this year. Oh well, I just have to think of our baby's and my health. I'll try to focus on next year when I'm sure we can take the two kids to all of the fun festivals!

I got some more scrapbooking done after lunch and am almost caught up! I think that's pretty amazing considering I had just barely finished Christmas when I started this bed rest thing last week.

A couple of days ago I made my appointment for my next ultrasound. I am truly hoping that there has been some change in the placement of my placenta. I'm hoping it has moved up at least a bit. I can't wait to see our little one again too, I'm always concerned about him/her. I wish I could feel regular movement so I know he/she is okay in there.

I check my work e-mail once in a while and noticed an e-mail that was sent out a few days ago. It sounds like they have someone to fill my position at work for the 2 months that I am gone. That makes me very happy because now I know that there will be someone at least trying to get some of my work done which means I (hopefully) won't come back to 2 months of paperwork to do!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Busy Day

I had my daughter home from daycare today because I had planned to have my best friend and her 2 kids (3 year old boy and 6 month old girl) over for a visit. Unfortunately, their household was struck with a terrible flu, so she cancelled. So, Ceili and I spent most of the morning outside then had lunch and a nap. She actually allowed me to have an almost two hour nap because she just stayed in her room when she woke up...whenever that was.

I was happy to spend the day with my little girl. Her huge imagination makes me smile and some of the crazy things she does make me laugh harder than anything! Today when I was laying on the couch, she got two pretend slices of pizza and put them on my boobies. She said I had "pizza boobies" lol.

On another note, the bleeding is still stopped and boy does my belly feel HUGE today! That makes me happy though because I know that little peanut must be growing & thriving in there!

I had a great day, but boy am I exhausted! Tomorrow I am looking forward to spending the day alone, resting and maybe doing some scrapbooking since my sweet hubby brought all of my scrapbooking stuff into our room for me :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bored to death!

Well, the bleeding has almost stopped (yay!) Let's hope the bloodclot sticks this time and doesn't start up again for quite a while!

I got up with my hubby and daughter this morning at 6:30am to help get her ready & fed before daycare then I had some toast, my prenatal vitamin and went back to bed. I slept until 10:30am! I'm sure all of the moms out there know exactly why I'm surprised, I haven't slept that late in years lol. I have been so exhausted lately, I guess it could be the combination of blood loss and being so lazy.

I am now laying here in bed watching TV and being bored. There was a huge thunderstorm this morning, the sky was orangey- yellow when I looked out! Now it looks just lovely out, it's supposed to be +25 celcius today so it will be a nice one. I'm thinking about hanging out outside in the sunshine for a bit this afternoon. I might as well work on correcting my awful farmer's tan while I'm stuck at home!

I am craving all sorts of things today, I'm sure it doesn't help that I'm watching the Food Network. I want everything from greek salad to slurpees!

I think tonight I will get my hubby to bring my scrapbooking supplies upstairs so maybe I can catch up on my scrapbooking this week. I still haven't finished our Christmas page!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bed Rest Day 3

I have started this blog to keep myself busy while I am on bed rest. My doctor has put me on bed rest because I am almost 15 weeks pregnant and am having complications. I have Placenta Previa and it sucks! This blog may be a little graphic, so I am warning you now if you`re easily disturbed by `lady problems`!

I have had 2 episodes of spotting, at 7-8 weeks pregnant and again at 13-14 weeks pregnant as well as two separate large hemorrhages at 14 1/2 weeks. The first happened near the end of the day at work and sent me to the ER...completely terrified. My heart rate was 115bpm because I was sure I was losing our baby since we suffered a loss in January of this year. Thankfully, we found out the next day on an ultrasound that our little bean sprout was fine (he/she even waved at me in the ultrasound!) But I also found out about my placenta previa. They couldn't exactly tell if it was complete (covering my cervix completely) or marginal (covering some of my cervix) but when I saw my doctor, he put me on bed rest right away. I have been reading online and I most likely have placenta previa because of the D & C I had in January after my incomplete miscarriage. Little did I know that would affect my next pregnancy.

I was disappointed about being put on bed rest because I had thought that he would tell me to rest a couple of days and send me in to work again and my boss was very disappointed because there is no back-up for my position at my job. I am already going crazy because I am unable to do most things around the house and my poor husband has to do everything! It's especially hard for him because we have a 3 year old daughter to look after as well. I like to be busy and laying in bed is the last thing I wanted to do.

I will be keeping this blog up to date every day or so since I have nothing better to do! I thought it may be good for other women who will in the future go through this horrible issue in their pregnancies because I know it helps me to read the stories of other women who were in my shoes.