Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I had a good day today. I went for lunch with a friend who just found out she's pregnant a few weeks ago. It was really nice, I realized how much I miss having some girl-talk about being pregnant! Since I couldn't be in prenatal aquafit this pregnancy, I really miss that time with other women gabbing about all of the good and bad points of pregnancy.

I came home and felt the urge to clean and organize, but I can't! I feel so frustrated and restless. All I want to do is get into that future-baby room and get everything organized and set up everything! It's taking all of my self control to stop myself becuase I know if I do too much I will be in trouble with Matt and my doctor!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

21 Weeks

I have now made it to 21 weeks...hooray!! I'm feeling pretty good, no bleeding in a week so that's good news. I can't believe I'm at the end of my 5th month already. Apparently the baby is about the length of a banana now and I feel lots of movement every day. Matt still hasn't felt a kick, so I am hoping he will be able to soon.

I'm starting to feel like this is actually real and everything will be okay, finally. I was still scared that something might happen but it's starting to go away now that I have gotten this far. I definitely know that this little peanut inside of me is a tough one and is determined to stay in there! I have been thinking more and more about if there's a little boy or girl in there and what he/she will look like and am getting more excited about snuggling this little baby :)

I took it somewhat easy this weekend, but did a little more than usual. We did some shopping and spent time outside since it was pretty hot out. Ceili was in an awful mood for most of the weekend, I think it was lack of sleep so I am hoping this week is better. Matt and I have been getting so frustrated with her tantrums and bad moods, but I notice that she goes through phases every few months.

Today I am taking it a bit easier because tomorrow a friend of mine is coming over to visit and the next day I will have Ceili home with me, so I will be fairly busy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Placenta Previa Gone!!

I am up with terrible heartburn and insomnia, so I thought I had better post an update for something to do!

I saw my OB today for my regular appointment and he confirmed the placenta previa was not there anymore and he was going to write me a note to keep me off of work for the rest of my pregnancy. I begged him not to, so now he's giving me until Sept 20th to see if I have anymore bleeding or problems. If not, I am allowed to go back to work. He said that the previa was either misdiagnosed or the ultrasound was done incorrectly.

The rest of the ultrasound looked good to him, cervix was long and closed and baby was measuring right on. The heartbeat was a good 153bpm again today so all is good with our little peanut. I have only gained 2.5 lbs so far which is good news because I don't want to gain too much, I have definitely gained a belly though! A 20 week picture of me is attached :)

I am so thankful to have a great doctor, I never feel rushed with him. He reads the ultrasound reports with me and we discuss them and he explains everything to us. He referred me to a lactation specialist before and after the baby is born so I can get this breastfeeding thing under control beforehand this time.

I have another ultrasound at 33 weeks to check on everything so I am hoping that all stays okay :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

5 Months Pregnant

Feeling: Better, just wishing the spontaneous bleeding would quit.
Cravings: Sushi, Arnold Palmer's (1/2 lemonade 1/2 iced tea), Timmie's breakfast sandwiches, steak, cereal
Aversions: Not much, I guess excessive grease still disgusts me.
Belly status: Still growing! Feels bigger some days more than others.
Any movement?: Lots of movement at night from about 10pm on, this baby will be a night owl! Matt felt a kick at 22 weeks :)

Hospital Stay

Well the bleeding came back as I had sort of expected. It started again on Sunday afternoon, so I went in to the hospital as the doctor had instructed me. They decided to keep me in overnight and did some blood tests and an ultrasound. The baby looked good in the ultrasound and was rolling around like crazy. I think the ultrasound also showed something great! I still have to talk to my doctor about it tomorrow, but the nurse said that my complete previa was totally gone! It's like a miracle! If that is infact the case, it sounds like I will be able to resume a normal life again until baby is born. That would make me very happy :) I don't necessarily look forward to going back to the stress of work again (but I'll have to suck it up!) but I do look forward to being able to go for walks with Matt and Ceili, wander the malls and not have to worry about overdoing it.

I guess I had better update on our vacation as well. It was awesome to be at the lake, our friends Sarah and Josh were so welcoming and we had a fantastic time. Ceili loved going for boat rides and playing in the sand on the beach was fun for her too. I found lots of time to rest and relax, even got a few of the best naps I've ever had in! Matt caught quite a few fish and I'm so glad he got to fish because I know it's one of his favorite things to do.

The picture I have included is my belly picture at 19 weeks, I am standing on the dock at the cabin. I can't believe I have made it to 20 weeks already!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy Ultrasound Day!

We went for our ultrasound today and baby is still happy & healthy!! Every time I see that little peanut moving around and kicking in my belly, I feel ecstatic. The ultrasound tech was wonderful and gave me 3 pictures, she even tried for a 3D, but the babe was covering his/her face :( I thought it was pretty hilarious because the baby's legs were folded right up and feet were right by his/her head!

The ultrasound tech also checked my previa, but wasn't able to tell me anything because she's not allowed. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the doctor has good news for me on the 24th.

I will try to post once more before we go away to the lake, but I'm not sure if I will have time.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Aches & Pains & Nightmares, oh my!

Well, I'm now going on 10 days with no bleeding, this is a good sign (I think)! These past few days I have had a real heavy feeling in my lower abdomen and it's so uncomfortable. I'm assuming it's the baby laying right on top of my bladder or something.

I have also been having a terrible time with nighmares. I'm not sure why, but it's like evry time I fall asleep I wake up crying after a terrible dream. Last night I dreamed that I went for our ultrasound and they told me that our baby had no arms and a deformed face and they would not allow us to continue the pregnancy. It sounds silly now, but it was really real and very upsetting when I woke up. I think it's just because of my constant worry about the baby because of all of the problems I have encountered.

I am looking forward to our ultrasound this Friday and hoping all is as it should be. That will help me to stop worrying about it. All I want is for this little life inside of me to be healthy and make it to full term.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

18 Weeks!

I just noticed that haven't written for quite a few days, so I thought I'd better write. I can't believe that tomorrow I will have made it to 18 weeks! I keep setting myself little goals, my current goal is to make it to 20 weeks..the half way mark. Then I think my next goal will be 28 weeks because then I will know that the baby can easily survive (with help) if something happened and he/she was born early.

I have been doing much better lately, no bleeding for 7 days now and I have been doing a little more walking, etc these past few days. I managed a walk to the park with my hubby and daughter the other day and it was so nice! I am hoping that my ultrasound on Friday shows that things are moving the right way. I'm anxious to get back to work and start getting baby stuff ready! I want to put the crib together in the next few months and start going through clothes, etc.

We are getting ready to go to my best friend's cabin at the lake in Saskatchewan. We leave next Sunday and are going to meet her, her boyfriend and kids out there. I'm really excited to get away and do some relaxing elsewhere! I'm hoping we have nice weather for our week there.

I have been keeping busy with my scrapbooking. I finished our famiy scrapbook and now I'm going to be starting my pregnancy scrapbook. I'm sure once I get back to work I won't have much time for scrapbooking, but I will need to make an effort so that I have a finished scrapbook for this baby too.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Feeling a little better

I ha an excellent long weekend! Now I am sad that Matt and Ceili are back at work and daycare! We didn't do a whole lot, but it was so nice to spend time with them and Ceili was in a pretty good mood. She picked up her toys when we asked and the potty training went perfectly for the past 2 days (that's a huge deal to me!). I got out and went to a few stores, bought a new shelf for Ceili's bedroom and did some grocery shopping, all with help from Matt. We also went for a delicious meal at our favorite diner and then for gelato afterwards, yum!!

The bleeding has stopped again, I'm on day two of it being done so I am hoping this lasts. Ever since I had my couple of larger episodes of bleeding, I am paranoid. Every time I go to the washroom I am constantly checking the toilet paper and I am always worried it will happen again. I guess that's just part of placenta previa though. I am crossing my fingers that it is getting better though.

On another note, my pregnancy brain is at it again. I totally forgot my parent's anniversary on Saturday. I feel terrible and I think my mom may be mad at me! Since being on bed rest, I have totally lost track of the date and the day of the week for the most part.

I am starting to feel more and more like the baby might be a boy. I don't know if it's my hubby and daughter's influence or what! I am really hoping it's a boy, it would be so neat to see what a little boy made by us would look like and the differences between boy a girl. It would also be a great balance for our family. If not, I will be fine with it too because I know Ceili will love a baby sister to bond with and baby girls are so fun to dress up!

I think my plan for the day is going to be doing some scrapbooking and a few small things around the house since I am feeling okay today.

The photo in this post is my 17 week belly picture :)