Friday, January 6, 2012

Still Waiting

Since I last posted, I lost my mucus plug but nothing else is happening. Some people are probably thinking I'm crazy for stressing about it, but I feel like the baby is so squished in there right now and probably needs out! Plus, I will do anything not to be induced. I don't care if people judge me, it's my body and my baby afterall.

I called an acupuncturist today and she is coming over in about 45 minutes to give me a treatment to try and get something started. She is a lady my best friend recommended and she has a pretty good success rate. She said it should be even more successful on the first treatment since I have lost my mucus plug and my body sounds like it's ready. If not, I will do additional treatments as well as have my membranes stripped again at my next doctor's visit.

We're ready for this baby! We have the crib and bedroom set up, all of the clothes washed, the playpen's even set up in our room. We're just waiting! Matt has said he's getting anxious to meet this little person who has been growing inside me for 9 months :)

On a sad note, one of the ladies in my expecting group online lost her sweet little boy yesterday. When she was pregnant they knew he has trisomy 18 and his intestines had grown into the umbilical cord, but they thought they would have more time with him. He was born and an hour later he took his last breath and passed away. I'm so sad for her, I can't imagine how that must feel. I am really counting my blessings today and am so thankful to have a healthy toddler and that I am growing a healthy little baby as well. We really are lucky.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Didn't Work :(

Well, it doesn't seem like anything's happening after the doctor stripped my membranes. I had such hope, but I haven't had much more than some spotting and more braxton hicks contractions! I guess I'm just going to have to wait some more. I'm feeling a bit impatient because I really, really don't want to be induced. I have heard so many scary things about the medication they give to induce you because it makes labour so crazy painful. I'm sure the doctor will threaten me with induction at my next visit if nothing has happened, so I'm hoping that we have the baby before then!

And...once again I am up in the early morning hours unable to sleep! It seems that I get a few days of really good sleep and then all of a sudden my body says "you don't need anymore sleep". It's getting pretty frustrating, I just want to sleep when I'm tired.

I guess that's enough ranting and complaining for today. I am going to try to go back to bed and sleep now.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

39 Week Doctor's Appointment

I just got home from my weekly doctor appointment. I'm 39 weeks today and he said this week my cervix is 2cm dilated and cervix is still soft. He said the baby is engaged now :) He swept my membranes and said he thinks that he will be seeing me very soon to have the baby. Here's hoping! The sweeping hurt really badly, but Iam hoping that it works since I have been so uncomfortable with all of these braxton hicks contractions in the past few days. I have spent about 4 days being uncomfortable because my belly keeps tightening up and it's happening about 4 times an hour!

I have been feeling good otherwise. I have started sleeping a bit better even through the braxton hicks. Last night was an exception, but Matt didn't sleep well either. For the past few days I have been sleeping so hard that I wake up with a puddle of drool on my pillow! lol.

I think Ceili and I are going to take a walk right away and hopefully that will help things along too. Wish me luck!